Donate to Climate Art, and your gift will help to fund some of the most exciting creative practitioners and researchers working in the UK today.

Our artists will transform your generosity into innovative sculptures, installations and experiences – sparking debates, promoting the environment and changing people’s behaviour to protect the planet. Climate art often uses radical materials and cutting-edge techniques, so your donation will leave an impact on art too by showing the creative possibilities of sustainability.

By giving now, you will play a central role in bringing together communities, artists and scientists to shape conversations about climate change and what we can all do to solve it. Read all about our latest residency, featuring the artists Alistair Debling, Mo Langmuir, and Joseph Williams.

Whether you choose to give a one-off donation or a regular amount, your gift will help to create the environmental art of the future.

Donate online

You can give now via Paypal. It only takes a few minutes, but your donation could have a long-term impact on the health of our planet by helping to highlight issues such as air pollution or flooding.

Donate via bank transfer

Please get in touch so we can share our bank details with you. We are happy to accept payment by monthly standing order, as well as single gifts. Thank you.